Our spring break wasn’t super eventful – it was staycation of sorts. Clara and Anna were sick for the first part of it, so we were home and hanging out for several days. Towards the end of the week they felt better so we ventured to Bloomington to meet up with Amber and her littles at Chuck E. Cheese and McDonald’s (Bo decided he wanted to play in the play area at McDonalds instead of eating pizza). I always enjoy chatting and the trio loved playing with Drake and admiring baby Colin. (Photo below stolen from Amber’s FB page. Thanks!)
The trio and I ventured to the Pirate Park and walked a few very windy laps around the new lake one day during break. We are definitely going to love having such a nice park nearby. After our walk, the trio tried out Sue’s house for daycare and they loved it. Several of their preschool friends go there and it’s a farmhouse with tons of cats and they have a dog. Anna is still a bit timid about the dog but both Bo and Clara are doing well with it. All three didn’t want to leave when I picked them up, so I think it will be a good fit for this summer.
Since the trio was home for the Cubs first game of the season, I decided we should celebrate. We dressed in our Cubs apparel, listened to “Go Cubs, Go!” about a hundred times, and watched the beginning of the game while eating hot dogs, popcorn, and blue Jell-O in the front room. The game didn’t keep their attention for long, but they were still excited to do something a bit out of the ordinary.
On Sunday, Anna was standing at the door looking at the bush where we had put our homemade bird feeders about a month ago. She ran to Mike and said, “Come look, there is a robber by the bush!” Mike was confused so he went to the door and Anna replied, “The robber is going to eat my birdseed!” Ah! Robber = Robin!
Last night, Mike reports that Anna popped into our room in during the night (I’ve apparently learned to sleep through this) and just yelled, “HEY!” then walked out. Mike got up to investigate and Clara was crying in her bed. Anna was back in her bed and didn’t say a word. I guess she was just informing Daddy that someone needed to come tend to Clara so she could get back to sleep!
Other randoms:
When it was still snowy out, Bo and Anna enjoyed knocking over our snowman. Once it was down, Bo climbed on top of one of the balls, stuck his arms out and his head back and announced, “I’m the pledge of allegiance!” It took me a second, but I figured out he was pretending to be Jesus on the cross. Apparently in the midst of the pledge and prayer each morning at school, those wires got crossed. I tried to explain that we say the pledge to the flag and look at the Crucifix during the prayer, but I’m not 100% sure he’s there yet.
Yesterday morning, we were preparing to leave the house for school and I swear I had told Anna to put her shoes on 15 times already. Finally, in a rather loud and booming voice, I said, “Stop being wild and put your shoes on!” Bo was putting on his coat and looked at me with a perfectly straight face and said, “Mom, that’s just life with kids.” OMG.
Last night, the girls were chatting in their room (loudly) from their beds. We had put them to bed about 15 minutes prior and they were still chatting and cackling. Mike opened their door and it was dead silent. They knew it was bedtime. To break the silence, in ultimate comedic timing, Clara piped up, “Anna did it.” Ha! They were asleep 5 minutes later.